What is a
Self-Directed IRA?

An IRA is an Individual Retirement Account, allowing individuals to put aside money for retirement and offering alternative investments for retirement savings. Self-directed IRAs allow you, as the individual account owner, to have control over choosing and directing your investments. Self-Directed IRA accounts provide access to alternative assets, including real estate investment trusts (REIT’s), private company stock, limited partnerships, limited liability companies, notes, and many others.

Why Invest in a Self-Directed IRA?

Flexibility. Opportunity. Control.

These are the hallmark features of a self-directed IRA.

Self-directed IRAs are for those looking to diversify their investments and have more control of their financial future. When you open a self-directed IRA with Mainstar Trust, you’ll get more flexibility, more opportunity, and more control.


Advantages of Self Direction:

More control of your financial future
Access to a broad range of alternative investments
Customized to your savings objectives
Tax advantages for sustainable wealth

More Control of Your Financial Future

Unlike traditional retirement accounts, self-directed IRAs are all about owners having the control. As the owner, you have the flexibility to choose from a variety of alternative investment options (as you’ll find below).

With the freedom you have over directing your investments, you might be asking…is there anything I can’t invest in an IRA?

Just because these IRAs are “self-directed” doesn’t mean you have to navigate the investment waters all by yourself. Work with a trusted advisor and financial custodian to help you manage the processes and rules that accompany self-directed IRAs.

Unlike many traditional retirement plan options, self-directed IRAs aren’t connected to your place of employment. What does this mean for account owners? You can have a self-directed IRA in addition to your employer sponsored plans or in place of — giving you more control over your investments and financial future.

Whether you’re an experienced investor, or you’re looking to step out for the first time with alternative investments, your next move is to open a self-directed IRA with Mainstar Trust and maximize your investment and retirement objectives.

Access to a Broad Range of Alternative Investments


Although most IRA providers offer only traditional investments such as mutual funds or CDs, the laws governing IRAs allow your tax-deferred IRA assets to be invested in a wide array of investments through a self-directed IRA:

Private equity
Mutual funds
Real estate investment trusts (REITs)
Real Estate
Publicly traded stocks
Government securities
Corporate bonds
Limited liability companies
Mortgage notes
Private promissory notes
Limited partnerships

Customized to Your Savings Objectives


At Mainstar Trust, we offer: Traditional IRA, Roth IRA, Simplified Employee Pension (SEP), SIMPLE or Inherited IRA. Self-directed IRAs are used by IRA owners to drive a variety of different savings objectives including:

  • Diversification from the traditional stock market
  • Maintain flexibility and control of your account
  • Opportunity to capitalize on an investor’s special expertise or invest in special interest projects

Self-directed IRAs do not lose any of the tax and savings benefits commonly associated with IRAs

  • Tax deductions for most traditional IRA contributions
  • Tax-free earnings in a Roth IRA
  • Ability to consolidate retirement savings through rollovers from other retirement assets
  • Bankruptcy protection up to $1.2 million (indexed) for IRA assets and unlimited protection for employer plan rollover assets
  • Ability to pass IRA assets to heirs without going through probate

Tax Advantages for Sustainable Wealth

With the tax and savings benefits self-directed IRAs provide, the profit potential and opportunity for lasting wealth is far greater than your usual fund or stock. As a self-directed IRA investor, you have the ability to diversify your assets and choose your investments.

Invest without creating significant tax liability
Leverage tax advantages to grow account balances
Diversification of assets for more profit opportunity
With more flexibility, you get more opportunity for a greater return