Use a Mainstar Trust Account to Invest in Limited Partnership Products

Mainstar Trust fees for accounts holding Limited Partnership Products:

  1 Limited Partnership 2 Limited Partnerships 3 Limited Partnerships 4 Limited Partnerships
Annual Account Fee $130 $130 $130 $130
Annual Asset Fee $45 $90 $135 $180
Total Annual Cost*/** $175 $220 $265 $310

* Does not include one-time set-up fee of $25, transaction activity fees, or fees related to other holdings.

** Annual account fee may differ by account type.

For a complete list of Mainstar Trust fees click here.

Contact Mainstar Trust at 1-800-521-9897 to see if Mainstar Trust has already accepted the specific Limited Partnership product as administratively feasible.

If the Limited Partnership product has not been accepted for administrative feasibility, contact your advisor or the product sponsor to provide the following required documents to Mainstar Trust:

  • Completed Asset Information Worksheet
  • Articles of Incorporation or Certificate of Formation
  • Prospectus or Memorandum
  • Partnership Agreement or Operating Agreement
  • Subscription documents
  • Provide an opinion letter from a qualified professional if the borrower can be considered a disqualified individual according to IRC 4975.
    • IRA investors are encouraged to consult with professional advisors to ensure that you understand tax, legal or investment issues related to the use of IRA funds in Limited Partnership products to consult with professional advisors to ensure that you understand tax, legal or investment issues related to the use of IRA funds in Limited Partnership products. Also, refer to IRS 590, 598, UBTI IRC 4975, Prohibited Transactions and DOL Plan Asset Rules.
    • For a list of IRS prohibited transactions in IRAs click here.

Email all documents to for review and acceptance prior to opening an account or executing a purchase. 

Once Mainstar Trust has accepted the Limited Partnership product as administratively feasible, open your Mainstar Trust account (see » below). Then email the following required documents to or contact us at 800-521-9897:

4 Easy Steps To Open Your Self-Directed IRA
